Ayia napa weather june, Cyprus Yachting Magazine

Ayia napa weather june

Sunbeds and umbrellas. ABOUT CITY An attempt at reawakening the people of the city through collection of histories, data, photographs and narration, and presenting the content in a documentary. После радиоуглеродного анализа удалось установить, что их возраст составляет около трeх тысяч лет до нашей эры.

Well, and finally, the disadvantages of the hotel are a rotten staircase leading to the beach, from which nails stick out, and somewhere there are no boards. Hold the children and the elderly, you can screw up and the bones can not be counted.

Slippery tiles, on which you go down to the sea or from your bungalow, because upstairs they wash their feet after the beach and the water flows down; cockroaches in the rooms I killed two, small in size. The hotel pulls on the top three, no more. We had a great rest. We had a great time in Cyprus. The room was comfortable, everything was clean and beautiful. The food was very tasty, it seems to me that I gained a lot of weight during this vacation.

I got a good tan, visited many excursions, which the kind girl at the reception told me in detail. Sometimes we went on a yacht, my husband went fishing a couple of times, he even caught something. Great vacation! The hotel is clean, the territory is well-groomed, a lot of greenery. We lived in the main building, the rooms are small, but renovated, cleaned cleanly without complaints, even the curtain from the bathroom was washed.

There are enough sun loungers by the pool, and with a view of the sea you need to get up early. The sandy entrance to the sea is very convenient, algae are collected daily in the morning, so the sea is like a tear. Minus, near the port and when the wind is in our direction, there is a smell of fuel oil.

The food is delicious, a lot of seafood fish, octopus, mussels, squid, shrimp Fruit seemed to be available, but some unripe, there were not even watermelons, and this was in September. Who fruit, then not in this hotel. Animation sucks.

Before dinner wine tasting, zivania, butter, chocolate paste, available for purchase. We were given the right to drive a donkey 5 E. In general, good!! Have a nice holiday everyone! Review from — vOtpusk. Cool stay in Atlantic sungarden. We rested at the Atlantic Hotel from June 15th. I liked the rest very much. The food is excellent, the service is great, the Russians are very friendly. Mostly the Germans and the British rest. The sand on the nearby beach nearby is just fluff.

The sea is beautiful!! I advise you to stay in this hotel. We rested together with my husband from May 27 to June 5. I really enjoyed my stay in this hotel. The cuisine is varied, soups, seafood, fruits, meat, ice cream.

Drinks were served by the waiters after pre-ordering. And a large pool near the bungalows, there was music and animation, but not in Russian and boring.

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A lot of Germans and not enough Russians. There is also a swimming pool inside the hotel, gym, sauna, billiards, etc. Beach towels changed 2 times a week on the ground floor. It takes 5 minutes to go to the sea from the main building, sunbeds with an umbrella 7. The beach is very clean and beautiful, the sea and the view are simply gorgeous, the entrance to the sea along the sand is convenient. The first days the sea was cool, but every day it became warmer, in the last days they simply did not get out of the sea, and the weather became hotter every day.

On the first day, it rained for about 10 minutes, and a cool wind blew in the evenings, but closer to June, the weather was gaining momentum. The hotel stands on a hill on a rocky shore, we walked along the rocks, the bridge of love is located nearby, very beautiful, it turned out great photos.

You can walk along the beach to the port, minutes walk, and there you can buy a variety of entertainment by the sea, we went on a boat with a glass bottom, 80 euros for two, rode for 3 hours, saw two turtles, swam in the sea, drinks on board are free. After we had lunch in a restaurant right there in the port, it turned out really expensive 2.

From the hotel we took a taxi for 10 euros to Nissi Beach, about 15 minutes from the hotel. The beach is very beautiful!! Foam parties are held on it every other day, different DJs play, various competitions are also held, a lot of young people.

In the evenings we walked along the streets, from the hotel to the center about minutes walk, there are a lot of different cafes and restaurants. We went to Bar Street, there are only bars and clubs on it, and a lot of young people hang out, not far from this street, if you go downstairs, there is an amusement park for every taste, I especially remember the ball, you sit down in it and throws you high up high, and there is a screen nearby and it shows you in this balloon and your emotions from the flight.

Worth a try Shopping can be done at the Plus supermarket, located near the hotel for about 10 minutes walk. Also on the beach they took a catamaran for an hour, and jet skis. In general, I liked the rest, although after Turkey and Egypt the hotel seems a bit boring, due to the lack of animation and entertainment. A holiday that exceeded my expectations. June 25 arrived from Cyprus. First time in Cyprus. Traveled with my wife and 10 year old child. We have been to many places, so there is something to compare with.

I can give the hotel a solid five. Flight from Kyiv by "Aerosvit" - we were pleasantly surprised. I took vouchers through Pacific Travel - many thanks to Ruslana for choosing this hotel. Tour operator "News Travel", host "Prometheus". In two weeks we saw a representative 1 time - somehow not at all serious, no information on the racks, no arrival of transport on time for excursions, with the exception of a personal excursion.

Lived in a bungalow. I put the number 4. Always remember that food is an integral part of their traditions and to enjoy their hospitality. Enjoy one of the many cultural, religious, cycling, or hiking routes, explore the many churches and historical monuments or simply take in the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the villages. The village celebrates this every two years with its Strawberry Festival. The Folk Art Museum displays a collection of historical agricultural tools and equipment used by traditional farming families.

There is also the Open Air Traditional Folk Art Museum, which showcases traditional professions such as tailor, blacksmith, and fisherman. From here, you can see the occupied city of Ammochostos. There is also a small photo exhibit and a handicraft market.

It is located 7 km from Ayia Napa and is built on the shores of a shallow lake. At its centre stands a large modern two-aisled 13th century church dedicated to the Virgin Mary alongside an older stone church. The bustling village has many restaurants, cafes, bakeries and bars. The surrounding countryside has rich red soil and is known for growing potatoes.

You will also notice hundreds of windmills dotting the hills; these were initially used to draw water but have mostly been replaced by modern pumps. Check out the Folkloric Museum, which gives visitors a glimpse of the traditions, art and everyday tools of historic rural life. If you travel to the east toward the sea, you can relax at Trinity or Kapparis Beach. Other churches and chapels also exist, including the church of the Transfiguration of the Saviour 13th — 16th century in the centre of the village.

The main industries in Sotira are agriculture and livestock, most notably kolokasi cultivation. In addition to the many churches, Sotira tourists can also enjoy the Ecclesiastical Museum or Poseidon Beach on its southern coast. Like the other Kokkinochoria, it benefits from the rich red soil to produce its main crop — potato. Liopetri is also known for its pomegranate and fig production and its basket weaving tradition. Liopetri is historically significant due to the Battle of Liopetri between the Cypriots and British in Other interesting sites include traditional mud and brick houses, the 15th century church of Agios Andronikos which includes remnants of murals and the 16th century church dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

There are many interesting Byzantine and Post Byzantine churches. The main church is dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul. There are two important religious festivals each year: the Feast of Apostolos Peter and Paul to honour the saints and the Feast of Agios Kendeas Monastery.

Avgorou also features an Ethnographic Museum located in an old two-storey house, which depicts historic daily life of villagers. Potato is the most famous agricultural product and is celebrated with a Potato Festival each July. Frenaros has many small Byzantine churches, such as Archangelos Michael and Agios Andronikos, which date to the 12th century. There is an annual religious festival on September 6th to celebrate Archangelos Michael, where residents and visitors partake in traditional festivities.

The 15th century church of Agia Marina is also worth seeing and contains some interesting frescoes. The Achna Dam, completed in , is an area that is visited by many migrating birds and holds water that is used mainly for agricultural purposes. Achna also has a large church — the Memorial Panagia Trachias Church — dedicated to refugees and missing persons from the Turkish Invasions. Other points of interest include an animal park and a speedway. There are a few notable churches here, the main one being Agios Demetrios in the centre of the village.

Built after the Turkish Invasion, it is a three-aisle vaulted basilica containing icons of St. Georgiou, the Virgin Mary, along with smaller icons of the resurrection and birth of Christ, silver chalice, Bibles, and a silver cross. The church celebrates St. Demetrios on October Built by Venetians in the 15th century, the monastery protects a cave in which an icon of the Virgin Mary was found by a local hunter. The icon remained hidden and protected during the iconoclasm of the 7th and 8th centuries.

Unlike many other religious sites, the monastery remained undamaged during the Ottoman rule.

Погода в Айя-Напе на июнь год ⋆ Прогноз погоды в Айя-Напе на июнь месяц ⇒ (Кипр ) | METEOPROG

A sycamore tree, believed to be over years old, exists amongst beautiful gardens in front of the south gate. Soak in the history, admire the columns and marble fountain in the courtyard and make sure to step down into the cave alcove where the Virgin Mary icon was hidden.

To plan your visit, check www. Winter hours are — daily, summer hours are — daily. Admission is by donation. It offers a magnificent view of Protaras and surrounding areas and is particularly stunning at sunrise or sunset. Built in the Byzantine style, the church has one dome and a bell tower. Outside, there are areas to rest and reflect and trees on which to hang ribbons as tributes to loved ones.

Inside, you can enjoy the tranquillity and architecture and light a candle. It is built on top of a cave and is dedicated to Saints Cosmas and Damian, doctors who healed the sick for free.

It is now a popular spot for weddings and a beautiful backdrop for photos. From the church, you can take wooden stairs down to the sea to check out the cave which is believed to contain holy water of the Saints. There are about four or five different bars that serve drinks starting at only about 2 pounds! As for the clubs in Aiya Napa, hardly any of those close until around in the morning, but for those of you who like to party extra hard, there are a few that stay open all the way until almost eight in the morning!

You can literally do as the songs say and dance until the morning comes! Another wonderful feature of these exuberant clubs. In addition to the music, these clubs also have delicious munchies available for you to snack on. They offer little snacks such as mozzarella sticks,. Castle club is home to five arenas that each play different genres of music. All five of these arenas stay jam-packed each night of the week. The best attribute of Aiya Napa is that taxi service is always available to make sure that you reach back your hotel safely.

There are many different poles for people to dance on, and the bar lights up with blue luminescence, making your club experience just that much cooler. Drinks are poured by incredibly experienced and classy bartenders, and the music pumping out of their turbo sound system is only the best international dance jams. Numerous divinely blessed sites also draw their share of the seriously ill.

Medical visits continue till today, but more for modern day ground realities. The health industry bears an excellent reputation of essential post operative care after any kind of surgery where the Mediterranean climate, with its dry summers and mild winters, is ideal for recuperating. The Government grants temporary licenses to doctors from non-EU countries willing to provide treatment and operate on foreign patients in Cyprus, provided that such medical treatment is not practised by Cypriot doctors.

Cypriot doctors will benefit in the long term. Starting , highly modern private hospi-. The main pros re medical tourism in Cyprus include use of many languages in hospitals, besides Greek, Russian and English; the salubrious climate and qualified medical staff, trained with handson medical practice in the EU.

Cyprus also abounds in wellness and preventive services, spa treatments and a variety of rehabilitation programmes. Healthcare in Cyprus is cheap and effective in both public and private sectors.

Public healthcare is either free or inexpensive for citizens of the EU. Even private healthcare is relatively affordable. Both state-funded and private hospitals are found in all major cities in Cyprus. Emergency medical treatment in Cyprus is free to citizens of the EU member states. Care for both in- and out-patients will probably incur a fee. Medical science has advanced globally from specialisation to superspecialisation, as evinced in the personal beauty segment in Cyprus, given the luxury of the best of Harley Street who combine business with pleasure.

An important competitive advantage for Russian-speaking patients is the presence of experts speaking Russian, many of whom have been trained in medical schools in the former Soviet Union or who are its former citizens. EU citizens needing controlled drugs in Cyprus should bring an original prescription with them, but be prepared for a prescription rewritten by a local Doctor, as foreign prescriptions are not always accepted. When examined in totality, it is worth your while in becoming a citizen of Cyprus.

Travel Benefits: Travel within the EU without a visa is both an economic and bureaucratic relief. EU citizens enjoy extensive compensatory relief is case of travel damage of any kind.

Cypriot driving licenses are recognised throughout the EU. Avail visa-free travel to countries outside the EU. Educational Benefits: All undergrad courses Cypriot students take up at its two public universities are free. Cypriot citizens may study in another EU State at par with. Several such States provide free education or charge very low tuition fees for both under and postgraduate degrees, like Germany, Sweden, etc.

Healthcare Benefits: Cyprus provides healthcare based on socio-economic criteria, even gratis in certain cases in Cypriot public hospitals. EU citizens have many rights re healthcare in any of its 28 Member States. Also, patients may receive healthcare in any EU State and be reimbursed appropriately. They can move freely and work in any State and live therein with family even if their partner is not an EU citizen.

Cyprus specifies minimum wages, redundancy allowances and protection against unlawful dismissal. Social Security Scheme: Cypriot citizens enjoy benefits like sickness benefits, jobseekers allowances, maternity allowances, pension, disability allowance and workplace accident allowance. Currently, more than , international business entities are registered and operating out of Cyprus, a major portion of which have full-fledged offices in Cyprus.

There are a large number of reductions, exemptions and reliefs for the entrepreneur. Non-tax Advantages: Cyprus offers the infrastructure for doing business internationally at the highest professional standards, with relatively lower working costs. The average life expectancy in Cyprus is 80 and 85 years for women!

You will get your citizenship within 6 months. Citizenship can be passed to future generations by descent. There is no need to renounce previous nationality as dual citizenship is allowed.

Above changes applicable from Sep 16, Refer: www. To add to this, we also have our own secluded cove for our guests to enjoy! Also close by is the Waterworld waterpark and Ayia Thekla with its stone carved underground church. Right outside our hotel, a coastal path runs all the way to Ayia Napa centre or in the other direction along the shoreline towards Makronisos and Ayia Thekla — just right for that leisurely after-dinner stroll.

Lounge on a sunbed by the pool before enjoying a drink at our swim-up Vitaminas Pool Bar or if you feel like taking a break from the glorious sunshine, how about a swim in our indoor swimming pool? As the evening draws in, experience the stunning view of the sunsets here in Cyprus, from the comfort of your own balcony before dining in one of our variety of restaurants.

For a special treat, you may choose to dine at our exclusive roof top Glasshouse Lounge Restaurant or enjoy the best of sushi and other Japanese delicacies at our Socci Sushi Bar whilst sampling a delicious cocktail or two! At the Adams Beach Hotel, we have a tradition of welcoming our guests with the best of Cypriot hospitality and we aim to do all we can to ensure your stay with us is as enjoyable as possible so that you will want to return again and again. Summer is the most beautiful time of the year for a party and Cyprus is renowned for its particularly long sundrenched summers.

The gentle, sparkling waters of the Mediterranean Sea are just a few footsteps away. Our wonderful venues and experienced staff are on hand to ensure your wedding day flows just as you have planned, leaving you relaxed and free to enjoy your special day. At our Olympic Health Centre you can choose from a full range of exceptional treatments; massages, facial treatments and body care therapies which include full-body, neck and shoulder relief, hot stone, deep tissue and reflexology.

The most important moment of a wedding day is the ceremony. At Adams Beach Hotel we have three wedding venues, each with its own character: For a traditional religious ceremony, we have the bijou St. Our secluded and intimate Garden venue is situated amongst palms, hibiscus and typical Mediterranean plants and is ideal for both civil and religious ceremonies. It is a special place not only because of its unique and delicious dishes, but also because of its glass inspired luxury interior design!

Our Restaurant here offers an upgraded Breakfast and Dinner buffet experience. The Atlantis Restaurant is open for breakfast between and and dinner between and Serving drinks and snacks. Main Outdoor Restaurant of the hotel in the garden area.

Open daily for Buffet Breakfast between — , reach Buffet Lunch between — and various Theme nights Buffet between — All our rooms in the Deluxe Wing are uniquely designed with comfort and luxury in mind. The decor of each room has been devised by blending natural materials and colour tones to create a contemporary style and atmosphere, conducive to relaxation and soothing calmness.

Luxury Ayia Napa and Protaras Hotels Magazine by LUXURY HOTELS BRAND - Issuu

All our rooms in the Deluxe Wing have a balcony with either a view to the pool or side sea view or direct sea view, however we have some rooms which offer something a little extra special A luxurious, welcoming and discreet five-star hotel, the Alion is noted for its modern refinement and its stunning natural beauty, as it borders the sea and a natural park.

Alion beach hotel Philoxenia — the Greek word for hospitality — is a welcoming, a generosity of spirit, a joy of sharing… this is the philosophy that drives the Alion Beach Hotel and the reason we treat you as an honoured guest, catering to your every desire. An experience you will always remember. Unwind and enjoy your stay — let us take care of your every wish. Just a few steps from the Alion Beach Hotel stretches one of the most stunning white-sand beaches of the island.

Sink your toes into the warm sand and swim in the Mediterranean crystal-clear waters — or boost your adrenaline levels with the awesome water sports on offer.

Our third pool — indoors and heated during the winter — is inundated with natural light and looks out onto a fabulous view. That is why the Alion Beach Hotel hosts a variety of appealing events and shows. From piano and saxophone performances to dancing shows, cocktail-making lessons, and local wine tasting. For an event as unique as your wedding day, nothing must be left to chance — so let us arrange the planning, setting, catering and entertainment for you and your guests.

Our dedicated wedding planners and the entire Alion team will ensure that everything is perfect, leaving you to focus on enjoying your special day.

Let our attentive staff members guide you through our range of refreshing treatments and exercise facilities. With our one-of-akind wellness package, you can heal and revitalize your body, mind and soul. We thank you for your ongoing support and for choosing us as one of your favorite hotels worldwide. The resort is nestled among extensive, lusciously beautiful gardens, featuring colourful Mediterranean plants and scented flowers.

Overlooking this landmark, the Nissi Beach Resort embraces the unique bay and is set within its own lush, tropical gardens. We are at your service to help you derive the utmost pleasure from this oasis of leisure and relaxation. The Nissi Beach Resort offers extensive services to enhance your relaxation and recreation, and to help you unwind and enjoy your stay — let us take care of your every wish!

We provide a host of opportunities for pampering, leisure, activity and fun for all ages. A small island safely shelters its lagoon bay, and its waters are crystal clear. Swim, snorkel, scuba dive or simply relax in the sun in an area of this stunning beach set aside exclusively for hotel guests and is equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. Share this fragrant natural haven with joyful birds. There is something for everyone, from pool and beach, to individual activities, to group events, not to mention the outdoor water sports.

Located on both the ground floor and first floor, the rooms on the lower level access the gardens. Just imagine it — palm trees, the sea breeze, the gentle sound of the waves and your loved ones gathered to share your joy. Your wedding ceremony — be it a civil or Anglican service or a renewal of vows — can be held right in this splendid setting at the Nissi Beach Resort.

To look and feel your best, visit the Nissi Spa. Overall, this recently renovated resort has an impressive range of facilities in exclusive surroundings. Ayia Napa boasts 14 blue flag beaches across its 8 kilometre coastline and with sandy beaches it makes it the perfect resort to want to visit.

Come day or night the resort centre of Ayia Napa is 2. Swimming is a fantastic exercise to strengthen and tone muscles as well as increase fitness without putting pressure on your joints.

For guests who simply want to relax, step up in the Jacuzzi where you can sit back and unwind while relieving your muscles. Live cooking stations are always a popular choice and the odd theme night adds some international flavours. With seven treatment rooms and the signature treatment, Sea of Tranquillity involving steam room, sauna and flotation pool , there is a delightful mix of pampering and also treatments directly aimed to benefit the health.

The dedicated team of professionals is there to assist clients, providing treatments which eradicate the stresses of everyday life, whilst also providing aftercare to carry on the regimen once the therapy is completed.

If you are not sure what to expect from your wedding day or have everything sorted in your diary, your dedicated wedding planner can offer recommendations or simply put all of your plans in to practice. We pride ourselves in a dedicated and professional expert service, leaving you relaxed to enjoy your special moment.

Ayia Napa Cyprus Travel Guide: 11 BEST Things to do in Ayia Napa

The Spa is available to hotel guests wishing to book Spa Treatments. Special Packages are available for one and two days, also for gifts and weddings. Atlantica So White Club Resort offers a choice of exclusive bungalow suites with VIP amenities ranging from private swimming pools, jacuzzis and spa shower cabins, to LED controls in all suites and much more. Lush, mature Mediterranean gardens surrounded the resort which is adjacent to the protected Ayia Napa nature reserve. Come day or night the resort centre of Ayia Napa is 4km away from the resort.

ESTLING in the stunning tropical gardens with its tall palm trees is the extraordinary all-white swimming pool that will tempt you with its floating sun beds, mood-enhancing colour changes and a unique sky effect as a backdrop. Golden Beach is the main beach of the resort. With its sugary white sand and crystal clear water in varying shades of turquoise, blue, and cyan it complements your perfect Mediterranean beach holiday, coupled beautifully with the luxury boutique suites of Atlantica So White Club Resort.

Soak up the sun on the clean and pristine beach or cool down in water. Ayia Napa, once a mere fishing village within the Famagusta region, has grown into one of the most popular tourist resorts in Europe, appealing to families with or without chidren, singles, and couples. Nearby is the harbour area of Ayia Napa, a quaint.

With a multitude of nightclubs, all within a 1 kilometre radius of the town centre, whatever type of music you like, you are sure to find it there. Not for the faint-hearted, music starts blaring from bars and nightclubs around 10—11pm and finishes considerably later in the night. It serves a sumptuous buffet breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and is located next to the lagoon-style pool, where the white theme is briefly interrupted by the shimmering blue of the pool.

Predominantly a themed restaurant with live entertainment during the evenings in high season, BLU Restaurant serves as a central hub for the hotel at mealtimes. They have one bedroom and separate living room which can accommodate up to four people. These stylish suites are great for families that enjoy some privacy. They sleep up to 5 people with 2 bedrooms and a separate living room.

With views from the pool side, these rooms come with either French doors or terrace. This room comes with one bedroom and separate living room which can sleep up to four people.

With views from the pool side, these rooms come with either French doors or balcony. Decorated with designer furniture, these specious rooms come with their own private swimming pool. They have two bedrooms and separate living room which can sleep up to a maximum of four people. They have one bedroom and separate living room which can sleep up to four people.

Close to all major facilities, Napa Mermaid Hotel and Suites is ideally located with breath taking views of the Mediterranean Sea. Bus stops for buses which run to Ayia Napa, Paralimni, Protaras, Larnaca and Nicosia, are situated just outside to the hotel. The hotel is superbly situated only a few minutes away from the resort centre and overlooking the spectacular Grecian Bay with its golden sands and crystal clear waters. This chic and elegant hotel combines comfortable and relaxed facilities with impeccable discreet and friendly service.

Satelite TV, safe deposit box, tea and coffee making facilities, smoke detector. Sports and Leisure facilities include outdoor fresh water pool, indoor heated pool, extensive water sports on the beach, PADI approved diving school, floodlit tennis court, pool table, cards area, fully equipped gym, whirlpool, Jacuzzi, sauna, steam bath, professional massage treatments.

Enjoy live music and shows every night during the summer season. They discretely combine luxury and simplicity and are larger in size than the standard rooms.

Our wedding coordinator will be delighted to meet with you upon arrival to our hotel in order to plan every detail of your wedding, whether religious or civil.

We take pleasure in conjuring up special touches to make your wedding day unforgettable and truly magical.

Journey Along the Edge: Cyprus' Most Picturesque Coastal Path

The five star Grecian Park Hotel is situated at Cape Greco with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean and adjacent to the national park.

You will never have to venture outside of the complex. Ayia Napa is a 5 minute drive away and Larnaca Airport a 45 minute drive. Water sports are available at the beach along with a beach kiosk which is open daily, offering refreshments and snacks. Grecian Park Hotel is a luxury complex which offers a wealth of amenities and services.

Whether you are booking in advance or last minute holidays, Grecian Park is surely the place to be. Voted as one of the top beaches on the island, it is a sure delight for beach goers and the best place to spend your beach holidays. Sunbeds and umbrellas. Our pool attendants will ensure that your sunbeds and umbrellas are ready for you and of course, our pool bar will be able to compliment your day with refreshments and snacks.

Pool towels can be collected by the Olympus Health Club reception. Specialty cocktails and breathtaking views. Live DJ during the summer months playing chill out beats. You will feel as if you are in another world! The Grecian Park Hotel offers the experience and dedication you deserve to make your wedding in paradise come true. At our Hotel Spa, we provide only the best in professional treatments and products, all of which are individually prescribed to suit your specific needs. Try one of our holistic experiences that will make a real difference to your life.

Речь идeт о связке поселений Айя-Напа, Протарас и Паралимни. Монастырь эпохи Венецианского правления, который был воздвигнут в честь Девы Марии примерно в году, с года функционирует как Конференц-центр, обслуживающий церкви Кипра и Среднего Востока. Еe жители бережно хранили свои традиции и достопримечательности, пребывая в тени одного из самых популярных курортов Средиземноморья Фамагусты.

Чуть позже, когда жизнь на острове стала налаживаться, воротилы туристического бизнеса обратили внимание на маленькую Айя-Напу, вокруг которой раскинулись нетронутые белоснежные пляжи, а сама деревушка вдруг открыла взору свои сокровища, бережно хранимые веками. Айя-Напа в разгар лета превращается в крупнейшую диско-тусовку Восточного Средиземноморья, привлекающую, главным образом,.

Сравниться с ней может разве что испанская Ибица. Тихий и спокойный Протарас вот уже несколько лет считается одним из лучших направлений для семейного отдыха с маленькими детьми.

Здесь Вы найдeте протяжeнные песчаные пляжи на берегу закрытых от ветров и течений заливов, множество отелей и апарт-отелей, рестораны и огромное количество семейных развлечений катание на катамаранах, бананах, водных лыжах и т. Наши соотечественники стали обращать внимание на Протарас не так давно, однако стоит заметить, что он полюбился им практически с первого взгляда.

Именно здесь расположены основные торговые центры, фешенебельные рестораны и многочисленные лавки и магазинчики. Если вы приехали отдыхать в Айя-Напу или Протарас и планируете заняться шопингом, то ваш путь лежит именно в Паралимни.

Совсем рядом с Паралимни находится деревня Деринья, которая славится своим клубничным фестивалем. Также интерес представляет музей народного фольклора.

Он находится в старинном доме и наглядно представляет хозяйство и быт киприотов. Тем, кому интересна современная история и политическая жизнь острова, будет любопытно заглянуть в культурный центр оккупированной территории Аммохостоса Фамагусты. Наверху на смотровой площадке можно в бинокль рассмотреть всю оккупированную территорию и заброшенный район Вароша.

В наше время одним из самых лучших курортов на острове является юго-восточный округ. Достопримечательности здесь настолько интересны и красивы, что район до сих пор не теряет своей красоты и величия. Айя-Напа открыла единственный в своeм роде музей Таласса Museum Thalassa. Главной приманкой этого музея служит выполненная в натуральную величину точная копия торгового парусника, который затонул лет тому назад возле северного побережья. Обломки настоящего корабля можно увидеть в Кирении в музее кораблей.

Она считается самой большой площадью на Кипре, на которой расположены сразу 3 церкви. Две из них посвящены Святому Георгию. Чуть дальше расположен древний византийский храм Пресвятой Девы Марии. Стены храма выложены из местного камня и датируются XIII веком.

Изначально на этом месте была небольшая церковь, которую впоследствии надстроили и расширили. С размерами изменилось и название церкви. Многие местные жители называют этот храм ещe именем Святой Анны. Когда- то все его стены были украшены фресками, но, к сожалению, до наших дней сохранились лишь небольшие фрагменты.

Храм является памятником архитектуры и привлекает большое внимание туристов. Esperia Restaurant Agia Napa vk. О ее появлении на свет повествует несколько легенд. Более поздние легенды называют Афродиту дочерью Зевса и океаниды Дионы. По своему малоазийскому происхождению Афродита Урания близка и даже отождествляется с восточными богинями плодородия: финикийской Астартой, вавилоно-ассирийской Иштар и египетской Исидой.

Со временем малоазийские черты Афродиты, сближавшие ее также с богиней-матерью Кибелой, становятся мягче, и архаическая богиня с присущей ей сексуальностью и плодовитостью превращается в кокетливую и нежную Афродиту, занявшую достойное место среди бессмертных богов Олимпа.

У Гомера Афродита появляется у берегов Кипра из воздушной морской пены. Вот почему богиню часто называют Киприда, «кипророжденная». Любви прекрасной богини добивались многие, в том числе бог морей Посейдон и жестокий и беспощадный бог войны Арес, который романтически влюбился в самую красивую богиню.

В «Одиссее» описывается, как во время свидания супруг Афродиты Гефест приковал любовников невидимыми сетями к ложу. Освобожденные по просьбе Посейдона, под смех богов, завидовавших счастью Ареса, они немедленно расстались. Как и другие олимпийские боги, Афродита покровительствовала героям Троянской войны, но ее чары распространялись лишь на сферу любви.

Как известно, поводом к войне послужило похищение Елены Прекрасной троянским царевичем Парисом, выступившим в роли судьи в споре, причиной которого стало «яблоко раздора». Во время свадьбы морской богини Фетиды и царя Пелея богиня раздора Эрида бросила на пиршественный стол яблоко с надписью: «Прекраснейшей!

Право обладать яблоком оспаривали три богини: Гера, Афина и Афродита. Зевс, которого они просили завершить спор, повелел отвести богинь к Парису. Парис отдал яблоко Афродите. И с этого момента богиня становится его ревностной покровительницей.

Позже с ее помощью он похищает Елену Прекрасную, жену спартанского царя Ми-. Греки восприняли этот дерзкий поступок как оскорбление, нанесенное всему народу, и начали поход против Трои. Но богиню преследует Диомед. Энея спасает Аполлон, который также был на стороне троянцев, а раненую Афродиту Арес доставил на Олимп в своей золотой колеснице.

Гомер именует богиню «золотая, прекрасновенчанная, сладкоумильная, многозлатая и прекрасноокая». Афродите принадлежит пояс, в котором заключены любовь, желания, слава обольщения. Этот древний талисман, наделенный магической силой, покорял даже великих богов.

Афродита постоянно приходила на помощь всем влюбленным. В одном из городов Кипра жил царь Пигмалион. Женщины этого города не чтили богиню Афродиту, и она покарала их, превратив в блудниц. Ваш отзыв. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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