Cancun weather water temperature

Cancun weather water temperature

Malaga, OH United States. Изучайте обширную карту погружений, отслеживайте свои погружения, загружайте журналы погружений, общайтесь с товарищами по погружениям или другими дайверами со всего мира и многое другое. She also has kidney involvement. Давид Гурский Россиягурский давид 6.

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Cancun, Quintana Roo. Barco C Pared Sara. Isla Holbox. Punta Negra. El Tunel. Посмотреть все места для погружений в Cancun. Другие направления. Location Marine Life 3. Marine Life 2. Marine Life Location 0. Marine Life 0. Направления для дайвинга Dauin.

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Apo Island. Raja Ampat Islands. Отзывы и общая оценка согласно Tripadvisor. Our tour guide, Tony, was knowledgeable, entertaining and engaging. We were very comfortable on the van and appreciated our private AC controls and the provided water.

Hearing the complete story and learning how these people lived was awesome. All of this situated on the beautiful coast, made it even better. The views were spectacular.

We were a bit concerned about the water temperature in November, so 3 of the 5 in our group elected for the 10 wet suits. She is very artistic and loves horses. Mackenzie has a kind heart and gentle spirit that makes her loved by all that meet her.

I was born on May 15, , and diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis on July 24, , after showing signs of seizures and being hospitalized for a week. I am now 9 years old, and have been siezure free since I was 3. I am in first grade and I love my school. It has been a struggle, but it has made me and my family so much stronger. Kendall had her first seizure March 12 at 11 months 14 days before her 1st birthday.

She does not let anything slow her down and continues to grow just like any other child. She still has seizures on a daily basis. She is in a life skills class in the 3rd grade. She has made some developmental progress. I am mildly effeted and my hope for the future is to find a cure for TSC. He is 9 years old and was diagnosed with TSC the day before he was born. Stephanie Green 33 years — seizures due to tumors on brain controlled with meds , hypopigment macules, shagreen patch, angiofibromas, teeth involvement Naomi Naiztat New York NY United StatesBen is month-old toddler who is full of life.

He is social, funny and loves to engage in play with his older brother. Ben has had seizure control for about a year and receives a variety of EI services. He also had PKD. Ben is a resilient little guy who keeps us on our toes. Ever since his diagnosis at 8 months old, our life has been like a roller coaster. We are blessed that he is doing well. He has a tough case being nonverbal, autism, severe intellectual delay, tumors in his organs, etc.

He is happy though and we love him and putting our efforts into finding the cure! He loves playing baseball and riding horses.

Such an amazing inspiration and ray of sunshine for anyone that meets him!! He was diagnosed with TSC at age 3, when he developed facial angiofibromas.

Seizures started soon after, but they have since subsided and, at age 8, he no longer needs medication. I love to ski and swim, and my favorite hockey team is the Montreal Canadians.

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She is developmentally delayed, but we fight to give her the best chance of living independently one day. She is a sweet girl and truly a ray of sunshine in our lives.

My daughter, Celeste is 6 years old with a intellectual learning delay, multiple ash leaf and shag green patches. She has 10 tumors in her brain, 3 cardiac rhabdomyomas, 2 tumors in her kidneys. She takes 3 seizure medications daily to maintain seizure control. Rylee takes dance lessons and loves swimming! We wear blue for you, Rylee!

She was diagnosed with TSC at 4 months of age when we notice white spots on her skin which prompted visits to many specialists. Her MRI showed 5 tubers in her brain and an echo showed a cardiac rhabdomyoma. She is doing great! Loves to sing and dance and is the light of our lives. She is epileptic and taking 6 combinations of anti epileptic drugs. She goes to special school and her verbal skills severely affected bad.

She was the first child diagnosed with TSC in Brazil. Her mother runs for 15 years the Brazilian Association of Tuberous Sclerosis, helping other people around the country with the Complex. He inherited it from his father. At 3, the bottom fell out though. Kade is now 9, he has been in the psychiatric unit 10 times since he was 3. He has over 10 psychological disorders, a brain tuber, learning disabilities, and we recently found out he has some hearing loss.

He has TSC and Autism. She has brain, heart, kidney, skin and eye involvement. She is globally delayed. Emma has daily seizures and is on numerous medications to help improve her quality of life. She is a fighter! We are so thankful for all the research that has found medical treatment and interventions that have helped her through this journey. Никита Толстов Михайловка Волгоградская обл. РоссияНаш Никита самый светлый, радостный особенный ребенок.

Ребенок Бога. Ему надо уделять все свое время, но это стоит того, когда он начинает меня понимать, улыбаться и протягивать руки, что бы обнять меня. After many seizures her doctor decided to do an MRI of the brain where they found multiple tubers in her brain along with a Sega tumor. She also had tumors in her heart, hemartomas in her eyes as well as the white marks on her skin. She was also diagnosed with epilepsy and at the age of 4 she was diagnosed with Autism. Through it all she continues to amaze us with everything she has overcome and conquered!

She ill since birth. Is epilepsy drug-. Does not say. It is very joyful, cheerful child. We have tsc, but it does not have us! I was diagnosed with TSC as a baby. I have battled seizures all my life but I have never let it stop me!

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I love sports, camping, traveling, dancing and playing with my friends. I have great teachers in school that help me accomplish my goals. I love to draw and sing and play with my dogs. I am a happy kid! She is the sweetest heart you will ever meet and genuinely loves life. This little man is my Hero!! Between the two of them, we have experienced seizures, autism, developmental delays, brain surgery each , kidney involvement, anxiety and depression, just to name a few of the most serious issues.

I was diagnosed when I was 6 months old because I was having infantile spasms. I attend a great day program during the day and evenings and weekends I hang out with mom and our 2 cats. I am TSC, and I am loved. She was diagnosed with TSC at 6 months when she starting having seizures. We now know that she has lesions in her eyes, skin, kidneys, and brain. Heather never slows down though. She is a wonderful little girl and the joy of our lives.

I have involvement in my brain, heart, kidneys and skin. I am the happiest little boy you will ever meet. Jamison was diagnosed 17 years old, Zander was diagnosed at 6 months old.

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They love to fish, play baseball and have bonfires!! They are my superheroes!!! Although he has all the physical aspects of TSC, by the grace of god his symptoms are very minimal. Tyler doesnt let TSC be an obstical in his life. Hes still a star athlete and a rolemodel for his peers.

Im proud to be his mother. We can all learn from children how to handle what we can not control. Her TSC is very involved. She had brain surgery at 8 mo and again at 10yrs. She is non verbal and her cognitive level is yrs. We love this girl so much. She has inspired us to live more meaningful lives, to love deeper and to appreciate the little things. Whoever meets her can feel how truly special she is.

She tries so hard everyday to be the best she can be. She is a hero to her family and we could not love her more. She is a true TSC warrior. We love our TSC warriors! At a week old, she had a pacemaker placed to help her heart. At 4 months, she began to have seizures, which turned into infantile spasms.

At 2 years old, they removed her left frontal lobe. She was seizure free for a year. She is on the Autism spectrum, non-verbal, global delays. She is 9 years old and is the most courageous and happy person I know! He was put on Sabril for a year. He was seizure free for a few years. In , he had a seizure and was put on seizure meds again. He has been seizure free since then.

He is behind some on learning but has an imagination out of this world and is so sweet. He can beat a video game in no time flat! I do have a few in my lungs very small case of it Thank Goodness. His live is really hard now because of his autism. So he is often verry sad and harms himselfs. But we love him and are so proud to be his parents. Our beloved son!!! I love to read books and play with Peppa Pig toy.

Greetings from Lublin, Poland! We are so lucky to have her in our lives and cherish every day with her. Diagnosed 2 days prior to birth. First seizures at 1 month. Has brain, heart, eye kidney and skin involvement. Functions as a VERY happy yr old! Born with TSC. Involvement in almost all of my organs. After all that I have conquered in my life I am finished with my 3rd year of college.

I am a fighter and I will never let TSC bring me down! Diagnosed at 10 weeks. With intractable epilepsy, autism, kidney angiomyolipomas, retinas, skin involvement, he has plenty of challenges ahead.

Still, he works hard every day to learn to communicate and inspires love everywhere he goes. Matthew Comeaux United StatesMatthew is 15 years old and enjoys watching railroad crossing bars! She has brain and skin involvement. She is the light of my life along with her twin brother, John, and her older brother, Jake.

He loves all kinds of music on his IPod. Justin also likes to be outdoors and ride his bike. He was diagnosed when he was 3 months old with the onset of seseizures and infantile spasms to follow. Justin brings many smiles and happiness to everyone he meets. My hero! At 6 months, he was diagnosed with TSC.

In Jan , we found 3 tumors forming in his brain. The most recent diagnosis leaves our family unsure about future complications.

Even though the future is uncertain, we are putting our complete trust in God. We know He has amazing plans for our rambunctious little guy! Aaron Dillon aka. Dx with TSC 1 yr old, shortly after seizures began.

hold temperature - Русский перевод – Словарь Linguee

Has brain, kidney, eye and skin involvement. Diagnosed with Autistic Disorder before he turned 3yrs old. Had brain surgery 7 yrs old. Struggles with self injurious behavior at times.

He is moderate- severely affected by TSC. He functions as if a yr old. He was diagnosed in utero by the cardiac rhabdomyomas. He loves to sing and play basketball and his older brother just taught him how to ride a bike. We are so proud of him! He always has a smile on his face!! I am an avid volunteer in reviewing research proposals from an adult perspective and enjoy rolling up my sleeves and helping and meeting new individuals and families.

I also try and mentor people in self-advocacy and am a former member of the Board of Directors. She never will be. Has ups and downs but is full of so much love. She has tubers scattered on brain and is struggling in her ESE classes.

Has eye issues not sure if connected to tsc. He had intellectual delays, behavior, adhd, autism, kidney involvement, resection surgery at 7yo and is now He is generally happy, empathetic and social. He will not live on his own but will be successful in some group living situation. Saltillo Coah. She had about 13 rhabdomyomas but now she only has a few and no heart problems. She has many of the manifestations of TSC.

She has 27 tumors in her brain, suffers from seizures daily, autistic, delayed as well as having tumors in her eyes, kidneys, jaw, hip and all of the skin manifestations!

BUT she is a really goofy, loving 16 year old and her smile is contagious! David antonio Vazquez Jal. She was diagnosed at 8 months after seizing from her DPT shot. Jackie loves to go to the firehouse and help out and play softball with our team. Jesus rafael Uicab Q Espita Yuc.

Has tubers in his brain. Delay in speech and has learning difficulties but he is always be our hero. At 4 years old now he can sings twinkle twinkle star.

She is turning 5years old in a few weeks, and is a wonderful little girl. One desease to be fought, one thousand hopes to share! We miss her every day. Susan Seggerman Salinas CA United StatesKylie is 11 years old 12 on May 30 , but developmentally about 5 years, except for a few tween characteristics. Peipei is with time racing of small Angel, so Pei Pei mother grasp now, live in now, hopes can accompanied.

Heather Weber Barnesville MN United StatesThis is my son who was diagnosed at 8 years old after many years of doctors visits for different issues. I am so proud to be his father. Aydan oakes Crewe England United KingdomAydan is such a lovely loving little boy, and really makes everyone feel special!

I also am expecting a baby boy this July and at this moment TSC is unknown for him we will be going in. Give Jack a basketball and hoop, and he w. Mariya Morgasova Москва г. Aliya Sharipova Татарстан Респ. Татарстан РоссияAliya 7 year. Sofiya Sitnikova Краснодар Краснодарский край Россия11 year. Margarita Sokolova Саратовская обл. Alesiya Malgina Москва г. РоссияNechtalyuk Timofey 1,5 Ecaterinburg. Liza Zamarina Мурманск Мурманская обл. Lola Kenzhaeva Москва г. Enjoying life. Kira Popkova Кемерово Кемеровская обл.

Demid Shegolev Самара Самарская обл. Indira Faizulina Уфа Респ. Arsenii Tutaev Оренбургская обл. Elisaveta Bykova Ульяновск Ульяновская обл.

Liza Kalandina Санкт-Петербург г. РоссияChurmeeva Aleksandra, 9 years,. Alexander Zemcovs Москва г. Михаил Алмазов Санкт-Петербург г. Виталина Артеменкова Орёл Орловская обл. Россия Artemenkova Vitalina, 2 years, Oryol city. Andrei Vasilev Санкт-Петербург г. Artem Mazhurin Тула Тульская обл. РоссияMazhurin Artem 10 months in Novomoskovsk, the Tula region. Alexandra Klimova Москва г. Москва РоссияKlimov Alexander, 19 years old, Moscow region.

Dima Kakadei Тольятти Самарская обл. РоссияKakadei Dima, 5 year, Togliatty, Russia. РоссияShegolev Demid 1,9 year Samara. Николай, Баранов Магнитогорск Челябинская обл. РоссияБаранов Николай, 4 года, город Магнитогорск. Любовь Балаухина Белгородская обл. Rhianwen Solise Hanson KY United StatesLillian is a strong, loving, and courageous five year old girl who never misses an opportunity to jump in a muddy puddle or cuddle any animal that she comes across.

РоссияPetrov Ivan, 21 years, Kostroma. Artem Chupin Магадан Магаданская обл. РоссияChupin Artem, 5 years, Magadan. Настя Кошелюк Екатеринбург Свердловская обл. Kseniya Pavlova Ростов-на-Дону Ростовская обл. РоссияPavlova Kseniya, 5 years, Rostov-on-Don. Every day is a gift for me. Алина Оганесян Вязьма Смоленская обл. РоссияОганесян Алина город Вязьма 2г. Давид Гурский Россиягурский давид 6. Алина Неженцева РоссияНеженцева Алина. Виктория Клыкова Калининград Калининградская обл.

Мария Клейман Екатеринбург Свердловская обл. РоссияКлейман Мария, Екатеринбург. Валерия Боброва РоссияБоброва Валерия,9 лет г. Магарита Котова Киров Кировская обл. РоссияКотова Маргарита 10 лет, город Киров. Город Ижевск. Евгений Патрикеев Пенза Пензенская обл. His epilepsy is not controlled but this does not stop him , love him xxx.

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Doctors also informed me that he would need a wheelchair. MAC 13 years old. Beth coles Bilston England United KingdomBeth is 18 and was diagnosed at 7 months, she has daily seizures, challenging behaviour, tumours on her brain, heart, kidneys and skin! Zachary has a fantastic sense of humor most times and is an inspiration to his entire family. She is developmentally. She does her daily activities without any issues. I had brain surgery before my first birthday.

Obecnie od 3 lat na Votubii. Over the years he has taught us to appreciate what we have and not to sweat the small stuff.

Andrea Benarano Jal. Iker Palma duran Valladolid Yuc. Maria jose Ribero Actopan Hgo. Frida hu Gamboa Yuc. Very proud of him…. Ryan lives with the following manifestations of TSC: brain tumors, cognitive delay, seizures, Autism, ADHD, Mania, angiofibromas, ungual fibromas, and angiomyeolipomas.

He was diagnosed the week of my first birthday when he started having seizures. School was sometimes hard for him. My two big brothers are great! Lismore, NSW Australia. Darwin, NT Australia. Maroochydore, QLD Australia. Port Lincoln, SA Australia. Melbourne, VIC Australia.

Camperdown, VIC Australia. Perth, WA Australia. Belo Horizonte, MG Brasil. Calgary, AB Canada. Grande Prairie, AB Canada. Kenora, ON Canada. Windsor, ON Canada. Ajax, ON Canada. Sudbury, ON Canada. Toronto, ON Canada. Frankfurt, HE Deutschland. Schwerin, MV Deutschland. Datteln, NRW Deutschland. Lannoy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais France. Bengaluru, KA India. Laveno-Mombello, Lombardia Italia.

Merano, Trentino-Alto Adige Italia. Saltillo, Coah. Actopan, Hgo. Los Reyes de Salgado, Mich. Puebla, Pue. Playa del Carmen, Q. Valladolid, Yuc. Espita, Yuc. Hoorn, NH Nederland. Strijen, ZH Nederland. Greytown, Wellington New Zealand.

Bydgoszcz, kujawsko-pomorskie Polska. Lublin, lubelskie Polska. Warszawa, mazowieckie Polska. Vila Franca de Xira, Lisboa Portugal. Sintra, Lisboa Portugal. Boden, Norrbotten County Sweden. Keighley, England United Kingdom.


Slough, England United Kingdom. Bilston, England United Kingdom. York, England United Kingdom. Bournemouth, England United Kingdom. Crewe, England United Kingdom.