Baku turkmenbashi ferry, Паромная переправа Баку — Туркменбашы — Википедия
В рамках проекта «Санкт-Петербург Марина» к году планируется построить объекты для хранения и ремонта судов. Впервые о планах создания… … Википедия Баку — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Вице-губернатор Санкт-Петербурга подтвердил трудности с ценообразованием при строительстве судов. Архивные документы неопр.
At the moment, the city of Turkmenbashi claims to become a major tourist center of the country. Any seaside city always begins with the station and the seaport. The Moorish-style Turkmenbashi station was built in - , but, unfortunately, neither the architect nor the manufacturer of the work has yet been clarified. The station building is one of the most beautiful in the entire railway of Central Asia. Station Square is adjacent to the memorial to the soldiers who died during the war.
The population of the city is about 62, people. Sea port of Turkmenbashi. The largest seaport on the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea has been built on the northern coast of the Muravyov Bay. Muravyov, who explored the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea in - It is used for cargo transportation oil and oil products, containers, bulk materials, etc. There are 3 organizations with a fairly powerful fleet here: the Turkmen Shipping Company, the Balkanbalyk association, the Turkmennefteflot department, which have from 25 to 28 ships.
The port is being reconstructed in order to bring cargo handling up to 10,, tons per year with subsequent growth. The sea trade port in Turkmenbashi developed very quickly. About a dozen marinas were built. And recently, the original building of the Turkmendenizderyayollary port administration was erected in the form of a ship at sea.
Recently, Turkmen ships have mastered many sea routes, up to the sea gates of Gibraltar, the port itself is rapidly developing. Frontal modernization of gantry cranes and seagoing vessels is being carried out. A radical reconstruction of the port facilities, logistics centers and oil terminals. With the increase in the volume of transportation by sea, the most powerful German-made truck crane "Liebherr" with computer control and a lifting capacity of up to tons has already been put into operation in the port.
Such a truck crane is the pride of any port in the world. Cargo terminals with a volume of 5, cubic meters serve Komatsu trucks and ton Mazmana trucks, while Kalmar ton forklifts are used to transport heavy sea containers. The new port, which is being built in accordance with modern international standards, will receive both foreign ships and ships for sea cruises, yachts and other ships, which will soon replenish the national fleet of Turkmenistan. Ferry crossing Turkmenbashi - Baku.
An integral part of the transport system of Turkmenistan in international transport projects and corridors are the railway ferries of Turkmenbashi - Baku and Turkmenbashi - Astrakhan.
The distance between cities is kilometers. Each of the operating ferries takes on board 28 railway cars and passengers. All eight vessels operating at the crossing fly the Azerbaijani flag.
This crossing is included in the European route. Airport of town of Turkmenbashi. In Krasnovodsk Airport celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Initially, in , it was located at the bottom of the plateau, near the hospital. During the Great Patriotic War, it was transferred to the upper part of the plateau and was a joint airfield along with Air Force units.
It was considered the assigned airport of the Ashgabat enterprise. In , the Turkmenbashi airport was reconstructed and received international status.
It has two runways, connects the city with Ashgabat, the centers of the republican velayats and Istanbul. Regular cargo flights to Turkmenbashi are carried out by the Luxembourg airline Cargolux. Курсирует паром «Багтыяр». Каждое судно может взять на борт до ти железнодорожных вагонов и около пассажиров. Порты Алят и Туркменбашы обладают всем необходимым оборудованием для приёма и обработки железнодорожных вагонов и составов.
Перевозки пассажиров и груза с азербайджанской стороны осуществляет Азербайджанское каспийское морское пароходство. С января по май года паромами «Беркарар» и «Багтыяр» осуществлено 70 рейсов [6].
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии. Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии , проверенной 3 октября года; проверки требуют 11 правок. Az 22 июня Дата обращения: 6 июля Архивировано 7 июля года. Жильцов С. Геополитика Каспийского региона. Туркменская ССР. Айгюн Бадалова. Туркменский паром "Беркарар" совершит первый рейс в Баку рус.
В городе Туркменбаши открыт новый морской вокзал рус. Государственная служба морского и речного транспорта Туркменистана рус.
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 6 мая Дата обращения: 2 августа Архивировано 8 апреля года.
Каспийские паромы рус. InterRail Service Ltd 10 ноября Архивировано из оригинала 21 июля года. Железнодорожные паромы в бывшем СССР неопр.