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Sunrise beach resort protaras

Перейдите по ней, чтобы оформить подписку. After consulting with friends and experienced, this time Natalie Tours became the tour operator. Once there was a magician and once again, the dancers danced Cypriot dances. There is no security, no one is watching. Garden View.

Услуги в Sunrise Beach Hotel. Теннисный корт, Сауна, Фитнес-центр, Игровая комната, Спа и оздоровительный центр, Массаж, Детская игровая площадка, Бильярд, Настольный теннис, Гидромассажная ванна, Сквош, Открытый бассейн работает по сезонам , Крытый бассейн работает по сезонам.

Бесплатная Частная парковка на месте предварительный заказ не требуется. Наша Команда Контакты. Отель Sunrise Beach. Спорт и Отдых Теннисный корт, Сауна, Фитнес-центр, Игровая комната, Спа и оздоровительный центр, Массаж, Детская игровая площадка, Бильярд, Настольный теннис, Гидромассажная ванна, Сквош, Открытый бассейн работает по сезонам , Крытый бассейн работает по сезонам.

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Пользователь, размещая на сайте Проекта, объекты интеллектуальной собственности, принадлежащие ему на законных основаниях Контент Пользователей , безвозмездно предоставляет Администрации и ООО «Медиа Трэвел эдвертайзинг» ОГРН ИНН на условиях простой неисключительной лицензии право на использование Контента Пользователей неисключительное право путем доведения до всеобщего сведения на сайте Проекта, доведения до всеобщего сведения на интернет-сайтах партнеров Проекта, а также любыми другими способами, указанными в п.

Администрация обрабатывает персональные данные Пользователей в целях продвижения товаров и услуг на рынке и в целях исполнения настоящего Соглашения. Все споры между Администрацией и Пользователями, возникающие в связи с использованием Проекта ТопХотелс, разрешаются путем переговоров.

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Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Туристические административные системы». Форма для обратной связи. Прежние редакции Пользовательского соглашения: — от Администрация ТопХотелс принимает все необходимые правовые, организационные и технические меры для защиты персональных данных Пользователей от неправомерного или случайного доступа, изменения, раскрытия, распространения или уничтожения, в том числе:. При выявлении Администрацией, Роскомнадзором или иным заинтересованным лицом факта неправомерной или случайной передачи или распространения персональных данных, а также доступа к персональным данным, которые повлекли нарушение прав субъектов персональных данных, Администрация ТопХотелс:.

Прежние редакции Политики конфиденциальности: — от Сотрудничая с агентством, турист покупает не только саму путевку, но и поддержку от специалиста, с которым работал. При этом в турагентствах путевки стоят не дороже, чем у оператора. Так что все эти преимущества путешественники получают фактически бесплатно. В условиях такого количества неизвестных доверить подбор тура специалисту - значит сэкономить себе время, силы, и избежать многих досадных просчетов в выбранном туре.

Все категории фото. Все фотографии.

Sunrise beach resort protaras

Описание фото. Протарас Регион Фамагуста Кипр. Отель Пляжный 1-я линия от моря. Отель на карте Фото отеля Добавить фото. Подписаться на отель. Получать новости и спецакции отеля :. В личную ленту и на e-mail. Только в личную ленту. Опросник Топхотелс. Отель на карте. Навигация по отелю. Цены на номера. Трансфер от аэропорта. Город вылета Город вылета. Период дат вылетов. Пребывание 7 - 14 ночей.

Sunrise beach resort protaras

Количество ночей. Человек в номере. Укажите возраст первого ребенка. Укажите возраст второго ребенка. Укажите возраст третьего ребенка. Применить Закрыть. Тип и вид из номера. Любой тип номера. Любой вид из номера.

Garden View. Land View. Mountain View. Pool View. Sea View. Special View. Water View. Выберите валюту. Мы не нашли информацию о номерах в этом отеле :. Если вы знаете об этом отеле - напишите отзыв и другие гости будут вам признательны. Мы не нашли информацию о ценах в этот отель на ближайшие даты :. Попробуйте настроить параметры поиска и возможно вам повезёт! Перейти в поиск. Мы не нашли информацию о трансферах в этом отеле :.

Вы можете запросить возможность трансфера в разделе Вопросы об отеле. Больше вариантов отелей Цены на отели в Протарас. Интересует сравнительная подборка с этим отелем? Да, подберите мне отели поинтереснее Хочу этот отель по выгодной цене Нет, я только присматриваюсь. Места рядом с отелем мест. Пляж Сильвер Пляжи. But otherwise, I highly recommend the hotel.

PROTARAS, CYPRUS 🇨🇾 [4K Drone] Sunrise Beach

The reception has Russian-speaking staff, and some of the waitresses also speak Russian. Lovely beach! I really liked it. The room is bright and spacious, the staff is pleasant, the food is delicious, all the conditions for complete relaxation.

Lovely room with a wide comfortable bed, TV, refrigerator, tea set, crazy sea view, bathrobe and slippers, etc. A very nice sandy beach, wide with a pleasant entry into the turquoise magical Cypriot sea.

Delicious food, even at breakfast, gourmet dishes at dinner. Attentive pleasant staff, starting from the reception, ending with the maids. We would like to return to this hotel again. Very good hotel, the main advantage is the location.

Petersburg travel agency Kolibri. When we arrived, we had a transfer from the airport to the hotel, we were brought and settled without any delay. I liked everything in the hotel, in general. Especially the location. It is located in the heart of the Protaras resort, and right on the beach. The territory of the hotel is very well-groomed, all planted with flowers, so it was very pleasant to be there.

Sunrise beach resort protaras

The room was somewhat modest, in the sense that it was rather simply furnished, without design frills. From the window, by the way, overlooking the sea again, a plus for the location. Service at the hotel is worthy of four stars, nothing to complain about. Cleaning was done regularly, towels changed on time too.

As for food, we had breakfast included - they are very tasty, we especially liked the croissants And we had lunch and dinner sometimes in the hotel restaurant, and sometimes in restaurants nearby. By the way, Greek evenings with folk cuisine and dancing were held several times in the hotel restaurant.

Cuisine in general in Cyprus is predominantly, of course, fish.

Sunrise beach resort protaras

An absolutely amazing dish, for example, fish meze - you will lick your fingers. There are no complaints about the hotel, only pleasant impressions remained. Great family option. Average food. Good numbers. Nice beach and gentle entry into the sea. In the center of the resort, there is where to go outside the territory, a lot of bars, restaurants, cafes. Walking path along the beach. For families with children.

Excellent stay in a hotel with an ideal combination of price and quality. Excellent hotel - will give odds to some fives. The perfect combination of price and quality. Located on the first line in the city center, beautiful, green area, 2 swimming pools one for children and 1 indoor heated. Tennis and squash courts. The room has a safe, a kettle tea, coffee , water and fruits upon check-in for free. The hotel has friendly staff, there is a Russian speaker.

Sunrise beach resort protaras

The hotel has 5 restaurants there are Japanese and Greek with terraces where you can have a delicious dinner with live music in the evening and have a good evening.

Meals board or half board, good choice of dishes everyone finds something to their taste , everything is fresh. Wi-Fi is free throughout the hotel and in the rooms.

The beach is sandy, sunbeds for vacationers are booked for the entire period of stay, towels and umbrellas are free. Suitable for all categories of tourists who want to relax in a comfortable environment. We drove with a good mood, but they started to spoil it at the airport. We ordered a car from the operator Biblio Globus instead of a bus to the hotel. Since we were traveling with a small child for 1 year 4 months, and it did not at all attract everyone to take them to hotels in the heat.

At the Globe counter, the girl called the driver, he said that he was in a traffic jam and would be in an hour. She, of course, asked why he did not warn, but the answer remained a mystery to us.

We were sent to the waiting room and promised to find a new taxi for now. After 20 minutes, they only found him and sent us. Well, we were not very upset and hoped for a good rest. Upon arrival at the hotel, the driver unloaded us and left, no one left the hotel to help bring our luggage, and we had 2 large suitcases, 3 bags, a stroller. Three adults and a child are decent luggage, despite the fact that the child was tired of the road and was already hanging on one of the adults, respectively, 2 hands are already occupied, they cannot carry anything.

In general, we somehow dragged ourselves to the reception desk. This was the first call We were given a room, assured that it was wonderful. I note right away that we ordered a Family Suite with a sea view and an internal partition, 2 double beds and one king size bed, she refused a crib back in Moscow, saying that the child sleeps only with me. The partition should divide the room into pals, it turns out, as it were, 2 rooms and no one interferes with anyone.

This is the only reason we went to this hotel because of this type of room and paid a lot of money for it. We go into the room and see, there is no partition, a king size bed and one and a half bed, in the corner there is a dirty playpen for a child, where he, like, should sleep. We go to the reception to find out.

We are told that this is the type of room they also consider the surname suite, a blatant lie! When they started cursing loudly, they suddenly lost their memory and stopped understanding Russian, although they had understood before.

They said, call your operator, let him figure it out. They called, they said they would figure it out, they called back and said the same thing, that this is a family suite.

When we say that we will sue, because on their website these numbers differ in price, and decently. They say they will help in any way they can. We arrived on Monday. After some time, it turns out that all the rooms are occupied and such as we want to be released only on Wednesday.

And so be it, they will do us a favor and provide it as soon as it is released. When asked about the refund of the difference, the answer was that they cost the same for them This is not the end of our ramblings.

Cyprus 2023 - The UNFORTUNATE TRUTH.......

At lunch, the restaurant served a menu of your choice. A week later, we found out that we were supposed to have dessert, but the menu that they give is not indicated and they themselves do not say so.

I found out this purely by chance, ordering ice cream, and then asked for a bill for it, to which the waiter asked me why you want to pay full board, ice cream or fruit are included in your menu for free In addition, they served for a very long time, they waited 40 minutes for one dish, although the norm is , and we need to eat in 2 stages, first the parents eat, I put the child to bed, they come, sit with him, I go to eat.

Sometimes they hardly fit into their entire lunch from half past twelve to 3! The next day, my mother and I made an order, ordered ice cream immediately and then everything else The waiter came up and asked if we had made an order! We said yes to your chief and did he was already sitting with his Cypriots, owners and their relatives at the table and chewing, although they all came later than us.

I approached him and asked where the order was, he waved that he had given it and continued to chew. As a result, it turned out that the second day in a row they lost our order! In short, we could not stand such rudeness and went to complain about the reception. After that, this chief did not approach us until the very departure and served us at the speed of light! On the penultimate day, my mother had a birthday and we went to a restaurant at the hotel to eat a seafood menu.

We order two ducks and one fish. They bring…. In general, only a negative impression from the hotel, to say the least! Along the beach.

Sea and sand are great. The reason is that all the young people stand in a solid line one pair ends, the second one stands half a meter later and plays ball, rackets, and knocks back not only small plastic balls, but also big tennis balls with all the dope. You stand covering the child with your back, the balls regularly fly at you, to which they say sorry and then gouge.

On weekends, due to the influx of the local population, you can not go to the beach with a child at all. But they do not hesitate to climb onto the territory of the hotel, plop down on free sunbeds, stomp into the toilet and pool. There is no security, no one is watching.

He swears that he does not have enough time. In addition, they were already dragging a large inflatable ring Regarding Bibilo-Globus, we flew on a morning flight, so they picked us up at night.