Sunny days palma mirette

Sunny days palma mirette

Peeling for free! При планировании путешествия рекомендуем изучить цены на туры,а также воспользоваться помощью профессиональных турагентов отправив им заявку на подбор тура по индивидуальным критериям подбора. More » Ask a Question. Calm and comfortable stay. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Туристические административные системы».

The territory is nice, small, two pools, did not swim, preferring the sea. There are water slides, they were not interested and there was no desire to go down. The entry into the sea is sandy, sloping in the center and on the sides from stone steps, it is deeper there. There are also corals, for those who like to see the underwater world - mask-fins and go. There are a lot of fish, different beautiful ones and there is live coral.

The water is comfortable, clear in the morning, not so much by the afternoon. There is a beach bar, fries, burgers and pizza in the afternoon. Pizza score. There is also a bar by the pool. There is ice cream and not only for children, this made me happy! The main restaurant was not surprising, normal Egyptian food, as in other hotels.

We did not count on much, so there were no disappointments, you can always find a free table, the service is good. Liked the beer, not the wine. Meat dishes at a time, side dishes, vegetables, mixes of vegetables, soups, everything is enough, I liked desserts, fruits always. But in a la carte were, also by appointment, free of charge once in each, Italian and fish. The animators are smart, though we are not amateurs, but from the side we really liked it, active and fun, standard games and entertainment.

We went on excursions from the local agency tibaturr com, a lot of positive reviews, we liked it, everything is fine, without problems, the program corresponds to the one stated on the site, the price is also, payment at the beginning. We took a yacht trip to Utopia, a super trip, and we were also on an evening safari.

A lot of emotions and impressions. We will recommend the hotel, a normal budget modest hotel, with a good location in the city and friendly attentive staff. Calm and comfortable stay. We had the opportunity to visit both hotels in parallel and compare them from "a" to "z". The photos were gorgeous, the reviews were numerous and most of them very good. Without hesitation, we decided to go to this hotel - Sunny Days Palacio. We did not know that Sunny Days is a hotel chain 4.

They flew with a picture in the head of one hotel, but ended up in a completely different one. Honestly, the first impression was complete shock and disappointment. When you imagined and expected one thing, but ended up in a completely different one.

Everything seemed to be miserable and terrible. In addition, at first they also gave us an average room with separate beds. Thanks to the manager Marina, all our problems were solved, and thank God that we listened to her! This is the most wonderful person who became our assistant and adviser in all matters and problems, since our guide Mukhtar did not remember us even once and at the first and only meeting in 8 days, in addition to selling expensive excursions, he did not tell absolutely anything.

His goal was to sell standard excursions several times more expensive, and nothing else bothered him. This has nothing to do with the hotel, I think everyone who has been to Egypt at least once knows that taking excursions from a guide is a big mistake. You leave the hotel and there are a lot of these excursions at every turn, and they are all the same for everyone! Do not rush to give 10 bucks at the reception otherwise this "politics" really got me, until you pay extra, you get a normal number , you can solve everything humanly!

The room has everything for a comfortable stay air conditioning, plasma, a normal shower and toilet; each room has a balcony or terrace. Accordingly, in Sunny Days Palma there is less noise, gamma, dirt, etc. There is the same pool, everything is just as compact, the same buildings, the same palm trees. Here it is like a beautiful sandy beach overlooking the open sea, further there are corals. The entrance to the sea on the sand, which is very nice and we needed it, we did not want a meter beach.

Only three bars, one in the lobby, one near the beach, one right in the pool. In the restaurant, you can choose what to eat for every taste plus or minus the food in Egypt in hotels is very similar; there is a choice of fish and meat dishes, a lot of vegetables, seasonal fruits, a variety of soups and mashed soups every day, a lot of sweets, but we not lovers; at the bar near the beach - late breakfasts buns, coffee and in the afternoon from 12 delicious ice cream.

There is a food court, open from 12 to near the main restaurant from 12 to 15 - burgers and french fries, from 15 to 17 - pizza.

You do not sit "on the nix" and do not take turns with your husband for food, as at any moment they can take away your table, cutlery or chair. In general, everything is wild there with this. The employees are smiling and kind.

At the Palacio, employees run around angry, as it is very difficult to cope with so many guests and piles of dirty dishes. The mood before a meal is always spoiled in Palacio, as if you sit down with a squeezed lemon when you finally managed to knock out at least some table and at least some plate. Unlike Palma, where everyone is in a hustle and bustle, angry and tired, everyone runs around and no one pays attention to you, everyone has their own business.

Again, I repeat, special thanks to the manager of the hotel Sunny Days Palma De Mirette 4 Marina, she was like a "mommy" for us, constantly in touch, an assistant in all matters.

In one of the two pools there are two slides similar in two hotels , in the morning, as elsewhere, exercises, aerobics, volleyball and water games. There is animation in Palma, of course, it is a little higher level, with a stage and huge speakers, since there are many times more vacationers there, but since there are constant problems with tables and huge queues at the bar, in most cases we preferred our bar and our animation.

Internet The two hotels have the same Wi-Fi only in the lobby. REST If you come across the same guide as ours and does not tell you anything, it is important to know: one. Reservation for it from the manager in the lobby near the receshin takes place from 10 to Registration is possible at and Worth a visit, we liked it. In Palma, everything is similar. It is possible to visit the neighboring hotel twice a day lunch or dinner.

The coupon is issued by the same manager, with this coupon they are allowed into the territory of a neighboring hotel they are very close by. The entrance to the neighboring hotel is also from the beach through the gate, or through the main entrance.

And believe me, Palacio tourists are very pleased with the quiet, cozy and comfortable feasts in Palme, unlike the visitors who go to their hotel. For lovers of fish and seafood, I definitely advise you to visit the fish market, it is a 5-minute bus ride from the hotel we walked for the first time for minutes.

You need to go there in the morning best around to take a fresher and livelier catch. It is more convenient to get, of course, by bus. Catch a minibus minibuses are small and old, you can immediately see them right next to the hotel on the opposite side of the road, give 2 pounds for one and go to the Town Hall stops only on demand, just shout "STOP" near the Town Hall.

In the market, the prices plus or minus are the same for everyone and they are not traded there, the prices are adequate and not screwed up. For the fish soul there is simply a paradise, ranging from shrimp, squid, octopus, ending with lobsters and all kinds of fish, the food is cooked on the spot boiled or grilled. We took king and tiger prawns no smaller than the size of a palm.

Prices were from 12 to 15 dollars per kg already with cooking. Grilled with vegetables and spices. We will definitely be back!!!!! In general, the hotel is not bad for a holiday in early spring. This year we chose the Sunny Days Palma de mirette Hurghada hotel for our vacation. We stayed there for 8 days, 7 nights. The flight was uncomfortable. I reacted strongly to the temperature difference when flying from winter to summer.

Yes, and in flight there were inconveniences such as air pockets and shaking like in a bus on an off-road trip. They flew for about four hours. We got our visas at the airport. We filled out a migration card and purchased a 20G SIM card for twenty bucks. Upon arrival at the hotel, we were settled immediately, which pleased us very much, as we were very tired from the road. And the room is beautiful. The room has a magnificent view of the sea.

The room has a large terrace. The hotel is located on the first coastline. The hotel has a wonderful lobby, done with designer taste. On the ground floor there is a pharmacy and several shops. The view of the hotel is simply wonderful, wherever you look - the soul rejoices.

The territory is so huge that we even went around it all. Lots of shops and a pharmacy on the ground floor. The rooms have everything you need to relax. On the ground floor there is a pharmacy and some shops. The hotel itself is very beautiful. The furniture is a little old, but for a short rest it is not a hindrance. Some hotel rooms have a view of the city, not the sea. There is a perfectly working air conditioner. The beach is sandy, comfortable even for those who cannot swim, there is a small lagoon.

In the presence of free towels, sun loungers, comfortable sun beds. There are enough of them, I think, even in the season.

The hotel has an unheated pool, it is large and a heated pool, which is just right for relaxing now in this weather. The weather did not particularly please us during the rest, but we were not upset. Everywhere has its advantages. We spent a lot of time on sightseeing holidays, which we found on the Internet on Sphinx-tour at a wonderful price. We had a very interesting time, visited and saw a lot of things.

For children there is a playground, kids club. We made friends at the hotel with tourists who have a child.

They are very happy with the rest for the child. We looked closely at the fact that we had bracelets of a different color than some foreign tourists. You can pay money to go to the territory of a neighboring hotel, which has a different owner.

Sunny Days Palma de Mirette - Sakala

On nutrition, my opinions with my husband do not coincide in some matters, so I do not comment on this issue. We got to the hotel closer to dinner, no one pulled with the settlement, they gave the room quickly, there was a warm pool nearby, everything was decent inside, the furniture and plumbing were alive, no chips or rust, cleaning every day.

The hotel is on the first line, this is very important for us, the beach is not bad, convenient entry into the sea, the water is clean, though cool, there are always small fish, there is no beautiful reef, well, you should not fly to a city hotel for this.

Animation is present, those who are active will probably arrange everything, you can always find something to do, from exercise to aqua aerobics, there are also enough games, in the evening there are traditional shows, we went to a nightclub in the city twice, it all depends on the company of course. The food is standard, we had enough of everything, breakfasts may seem meager, but this is the case almost everywhere we have been.

There were never long queues at the restaurant, sometimes two or three people, no more, meat dishes, chicken vegetables in various forms were enough.

The waiters work very quickly, there may be questions about the quality of dishes, forks or spoons are always wiped with sanitary napkins. From alcohol they drank only beer and cocktails, there is no alcohol in its pure form. I advise you to buy a local SIM card for communication, it is cheaper in the city than at the airport.

The evenings are cool, it gets dark early, keep this in mind. The rest was generally not bad, the hotel can be considered, a normal one-time place at a low price. The hotel was chosen with a friend, attracted by the price, the first line and not far from the city center.

It took a few minutes to walk to the beach, it is quite large, we always found sun loungers, there are wind dampers. The water, of course, is not the warmest, we really forced ourselves to go into it, but in January it is difficult to expect something else, although the entrance is convenient, the sea is clean and there are always small fish, but I would not dare to arrange long swims without a wetsuit.

There is a bar on the beach, the guys are generally positive, a couple of dollars in tips on the first day and excellent service and smiles are provided to you, otherwise be prepared that, for example, the Germans will be served first. They drank mostly beer from local alcohol, and for example, I tried whiskey and cola a couple of times when my martini ended, well, nothing of course.

The animation in the hotel is not bad, if you wish, you can always find something to do, take part in different games, exercise or water aerobics, there is a heated pool.

You can always come up with some kind of independent movement, go out to the open sea, how can you drive without such new photos or quadrics? The contingent of vacationers is very different, mainly from Western Europe, there are many pensioners, ours are also there, but less, there is always a Russian-speaking employee in the lobby. Questions 7. Is it allowed to catch fish on your spinning rod caught and released on the territory of the hotel?

What is paid? Who was, tell me what you need to pay for and how much? Interested in a hookah hall how much, what are the prices in bars? Thanks in advance for your replies. Does the hotel have wi-fi. Can you tell me if the pool s in this hotel is heated? More » Ask a Question. Representative hotels. Open map. Jungle Water Park Rating 9. Entertainment, Leisure.

The staff are normal people, the main thing is to treat them humanly, and in order to get more, it is also worth encouraging tips Personally, my husband and I liked the hotel! Ольга Доровина. Прекрасный отель, соотношение цены и качества. Огромная территория.

Sunny Days Palma De Mirette Resort & SPA, hotel, Red Sea Governorate, Hurghada — Yandex Maps

Кормят прекрасно. Свой собственный риф. Очень красивый. Экскурсии на какие то другие рифы - бесмысленны. Чудесный пляж. Отличный вход в воду. Чуть уставшие номера, но вы же не в номере отдыхать приехали. Воды для помыться достаточно. Горячая вода есть. Поломался кондей-пришли, оперативно починили. Прекрасный отдых. I took a tour to mirette, they position themselves as a 3ka, but you can use all the benefits of both the palm tree and the 3rd hotel.

The animation is excellent, the food is without frills, but super and there is always plenty to choose from, there is always fish and beef for dinner, the vendors on site are not intrusive, I saw how the tour staff conducted a conversation with them. The location is gorgeous, amazing in scale, good animation every evening. Mostly Russian-speaking vacationers.

The main thing is to beware of taxi drivers!!! Call only via the Uber, Indrive, etc.

Hotel SUNNY DAYS PALMA DE MIRETTE RESORT in Hurghada, Egypt – Prices for package tours

Otherwise, they may take you to the wrong place, but to their sellers, where they will take you to their overpriced shops they will give you an escort of a local brother. Ирина Ш. We just arrived from vacation today. Many wrote that they liked the service. Yes, it is, but only for an additional fee. Initially, the welcoming guides do not even know themselves that staying in 3, we can eat everywhere throughout the hotels. Mostly only Russians. It was a little stressful. The food is at 3, I liked it more than at 4.

Local alcohol is not very good. Schweppes constantly answer no. But after 5 minutes they offer to buy. Immediately exchange dollars for their coin.

Everything will be much cheaper. How can you not ask, 1,2,5 dollars. The price is taken from the ceiling. But the pound can be said to be fixed. There is a liquor store nearby. And the price is acceptable and the taste is much better. We were very lucky with the weather conditions.

This is the bay. It is closed on all sides. The wind after lunch. You can spend the whole day by the pool during this period. Сергей Каманин. Service for 4, staff for 4, rooms for 3, the food is edible, why I put 5 stars for the location and the beach there is a sand entrance, there is a reef and diving from the hotel. The conclusions are if you are picky and like comfort, look for a more expensive hotel. In general, the room stock is "tired", although now the hotel is under partial renovation and I think that everything will be fixed by the high season.

Seafood, strawberries, mangoes, national sweets, etc. In general, the hotels left a pleasant impression. Батуев Михаил. Young people will be bored, fish and corals can be seen only meters from the shore. A place for families with young children and pensioners.

The beach is shallow. Plastic cups and garbage are cleaned badly, the wind drives everything along the beach all day long. The food is uniform every day. Animators are two.

Ольга Б. The rooms are comfortable, the furniture is old, but this is not essential. The service is excellent. The food is delicious. The location is excellent within the city limits. Overall, everything is fine.

Андрей Лещев. The hotel is a compromise. The sea is good, the fish are beautiful. But everything else is so-so. We had a vacation in November on a hot ticket and were not disappointed. There are a lot of disposable cups, they are everywhere for breakfast, lunch, dinner and on the beach.

They are also lying around everywhere, because the wind blows them away. The food is very average, the choice is poor, the rooms are ancient. Danya Soldatov. Отдыхали с женой в июле-августе года. В целом все понравилось. Еда все таки больше восточная, чем европейская, но они стараются, это очень видно. Номер нам достался с видом на море и залив, внутри все немного подустало, думаю, что это исправят, видели много рабочих в других номерах.

Есть выход на пляж с открытым морем, занимайте места пораньше. Полотенца получали каждый день, в целом их можно не сдавать. Бары с достаточно скудным выбором, крепкий алкоголь совсем не понравился, пиво нормальное, местная stella. Самые хорошие бары - над ресепшеном и рядом с выходом на дорогу в корпусе миретт. Наливают в маленькие пластиковые стаканчики, кто то покупает большие, но бармены реагируют на это по разному.

Пару раз ходили в аквапарк, следите за расписанием, он не всегда открыт. Я бы сказал, что с детьми там хорошо, взрослым делать нечего. Рядом с ресешном около стойки с такси есть банкомат, в нем можно обменивать доллары по нормальному курсу, пользуйтесь, мы узнали о нем за пару дней до отьезда Экскурсии в отеле мы не брали, покупали на онлайн площадках. Дело каждого, по отзывам других туристов были наслышаны только о хорошем, но опять же за больший прайс.

Игорь Абрамов. Visited Sept. The hotel is old and cheap. The numbers are old, something is definitely not working or breaking. The staff is arrogant and lazy, the food is monotonous, there are few fruits and poor quality. Alcohol is a local moonshine hat with flavoring additives of degrees, light beer is served in 25gram disposable cups, the hotel guide of the tour operator we had Suleiman lies and does not blush promises a lot but does nothing, sells three times more expensive excursions, the advice is to immediately send him far and for a long time, everything can be bought cheaper the same.

Альберт Мистер. Very good! The food is delicious, overall clean and good, but the hotel is already asking for renovation my opinion. Вера Т. Решила написать честный отзыв. До приезда в отель, написали два письма с разных аккаунтов о том, что приезжаем в отель поздно, трое детей и самой маленькой 3 года. Просили два номера рядом или один семейный. Нам ответили ждём! Когда нас заселили в Никто не убрал и ничего не принёс. В час ночи нас переселили в два номера рядом, были чистые.

На следующий день была встреча с руководителем отеля, нам предложили чистый семейный номер, в который мы переехали. Принесли фрукты. Персонал действительно улыбчивый, позитивный. Мы дружили со всеми, бармены умеют делать вкусные коктейли, есть даже стеклянные бокалы.

Нашей компании бармен даже занимал стол НО к пластиковой посуде я дней 5 привыкала. Нет вина на пляже, только в ресторане.

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Есть недалеко от отеля магазинчик, где можно купить шампанское и вино Аниматоры отличные, позитивные. Есть неплохой аквапарк в соседнем отеле. Красное море - это единственное за что я люблю Египет! В этот отель лично я я больше не вернусь. Светлана Арсентьева. Четверка, как и покупали. Были в этом отеле 8 лет назад 2 раза.

Что изменилось : одноразовая и пластиковая посуда. Нет интернета, в Пальме совсем. Берите Египетскую сим в аэропорту Оранж, мы втроём на ней сидели 10 дней, потом пришлось пополнять.

Купили на территории отеля , В об обманули. Море прекрасное. Рекомендую парня Рико из crazy delfin организует морскую поездку за нормальные деньги ,он в Пальме. Мы взяли батискаф на 3 часа , с плаваньем на коралы, 3 остановки , рыбалка и закат на море.

Брали с 16 до Капитан лучший! У общем отдых понравился. Инкогнито A good place for a family vacation. Very friendly staff! Take more Alenka chocolates with you, they are very fond of them there. Даниил Горин. A great hotel for your money, the food is normal, the territory is huge, a beautiful lagoon and access to the sea for diving and snorkeling. We rested in the neighboring hotels. We came to walk around the beautiful territory.

We also visited the Asian a la carte restaurant, I really liked it. Everything was great. Room, restaurant, beach I liked everything! I recommend it!!! Лёля Сова. Волшебное место!!! Просто рай!!! Жаркое солнце. Приветливый персонал. Отличный пляж. Волшебное море лагуна прям во дворе отеля!!!

Отличный отель, расположен между старой и новой Хургадой, в близи от аэропорта, 25 мин. Имеется коралловый риф с одной стороны отеля, с др. Павел Антонов. Ну очень старый номерной фонд, щели в дверях величиной с палец. Если ветер дует, то вы его точно почувствуете. По старой египетской традиции - кондиционеры очень сильно шумят, стараясь показать как они натужно работают, но эффекта нет. Хорошо ,что хоть на обогрев функционировал, так как в апреле ночами еще холодновато.

Персонал постоянно просит чаевые и при этом доллар - это фигня. Нужно больше. Но честно говоря, они потом их отрабатывают на "ура". И отношение к тебе сразу меняется. Супер фишка этого отеля в том. А сходить обязательно нужно на риф слева от основного корпуса.

Наталья Дубровина. В и отдыхала в этом отеле. Да, допотопная мебель, уборка номеров неважнецкая, но несмотря на минусы, плюсов всё же больше.

SUNNY DAYS PALMA DE MIRETTE, Египет 2024. Популярная четверка в Хургаде по классной цене /4k

Вежливый персонал, разнообразие блюд и фруктов, удобное расположение отеля. Планируем осенью вновь приехать. Насколько мне известно, отель меняет свою концепцию и пока не выставляет ценник. Будем ждать! Кондрашов Евгений. Оьличное место ,крутой риф с кучей рыб ,скатов и всякой живности,много еды,для четырехзведочной 5 смелая,все понравилось ,в другую не поеду в Египте. Были в Полассе, класс,все понравилось.

Один из лучших в Египте. Были в Августе на свое день рождения. В этом августе сново суда,и никуда больше.

Hotel Reviews Sunny Days Palma De Mirette 4* (Hurghada)

С уважением к персоналу. Якупов Гребень. Everything is high, the sea, bass, food, drinks. Юрий Иванов. Отличное расположение: выход на бухту.

Красивое море, есть где посмотреть рыбок и кораллы. Сам отель требует ремонта. Иван Грозный. Огромная Территтритория. Большой пляж. Своя бухта защищённая от ветра.